Bob Steel: The author and his Books

Rob was busy writing a novel when I first met him. Set in a Scottish tenement and owing much to Dostoyevsky if I recall correctly - it was sadly never finished.

What he did go on to do, was write many books for CAMRA on Beer walks around Britain  and then self published his excellent River Wandle Companion with his good friend Derek Coleman

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 "Paperback and hardback copies are available from Steve Archer. 

Paperbacks £15 each including postage (or £25 for two).  Hardbacks £20 each (or £30 for two). 

Proceeds are being distributed in Rob/Bob's name to a variety of Wandle charities.

To order please contact Steve by email:

Bulk stocks may still be available via Derek Coleman [derekcoleman at] if anyone is able to place a quantity of books perhaps in a local bookshop, café or similar outlet"

 Read a review of the book at the Londonist

While I think all of Rob's CAMRA books are technically out of print, there are secondhand copies of most of them available online.  This link should find most of them: Bob's CAMRA guides 

Caveat Emptor, however, as some of the editions may be out-of-date and not all the suppliers may be 100% reliable.....

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Rob & Sutton Green Party