Patricks memory lane

I have not ignored this; I have rather wandered down memory lane and wondered (sic!) which stories to choose..

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 The Three Stags Heads and CHARACTER!! The rather luxurious pad that had central heating that he had accidentally booked - and then, preferring not to go back there on New Year’s Night, because I had accidentally remained sober –which meant the offer was doable- so you two stayed for a night of murder and mayhem!

 His ability to walk into any pub (well anywhere, really) and end up in lively debate with anybody there, whilst the rest of us shyly drank beer and chatted amongst ourselves!

 Is he the only man I know who EVER used the word ‘WASOCK’? (wazzoch?)

 His use of the word ‘limo’ for ANY car, always making me think of him a sort of Dylanesque star.

 How it annoyed & amused him that I remembered him as chair of the YC’s in the sixth form.

 The mushrooms, he denied they were toadstools, growing out of the woodwork of his Morris Traveller –SO APT

The REMOVAL of central heating from Palmerston Rd. rather than just ‘switching it off’ as we moderns call it

 His touching belief in his affinity with ‘pooches’ -  I warned him several times that they looked a smidge growly but ‘NO, THEY LOVE ME’ followed by a sort of cartoonlike attack!

 The trip to Rum in the Western Isles, with you – when the only shop had a four pack of lager as the ONLY alcohol until the next supply boat three days later..which I naturally snapped up and of which Rob reluctantly partook as there was no alternative (‘TINA’ another Rob-ism for  LA THATCH an expression which ,again, I think of as entirely his...  

 The time he followed THE WHO ‘round Britain.

 Sitting (in my mind always) in Palmerston Rd. listening to revelatory music after pubs, parties drinking the WORST coffee   

 His amazing gentleness with the elderly and yoof


My memories of Rob Steel by Robin Ashton (August 2021)


Yet more random pictures